Monday 16 August 2021

Chapter 228

I woke up late, not really hungover, but with the kind of bloated and hazy feel that follows a night of heavy beer consumption. Bleh.

I did mostly fuckall for a few hours, then went out on my skateboard to go pick up the car at the garage as mandated by the girlfriend. The clutch has been acting weird and the car does a little herky-jerky at low speed, but it’s expected, it’s an old machine now. On the way, I went to investigate saunas and bathhouses, the Kazakh asked me about it. Most are closed because of anti-covid measures, but I found one that’s mysteriously open.

Back home, I fired up the PC game Warband: Mount & Blade, that I installed a few months ago but didn’t get into it. Well, now I’m truly addicted, and roamed the medieval open world with my mercenary character for the remainder of the afternoon. I had to peel myself away from the computer to go to BJJ practice.

It was raining but fuck it, I’d rather have that than 38-degree days. Six of us were on the mats, and I had some hard rolls. I tried an armbar escape I saw on YouTube and it worked, I was all giddy, until I realized I wasn’t out of the woods yet and still had a strong blue belt trying to fold me like laundry.

The Kazakh and I went to the sauna place. It felt good but I was already completely drained and in need of food and beer, next time we’ll go in the afternoon and enjoy the facilities, the place has rest areas, board games, a buffet, and plenty of unisex and mixed-gender areas for pampering oneself.

I dragged my exhausted carcass home and made pasta with some leftover stew we found in the freezer. I watched a bit of comedy and clown world news videos and then played Mount & Blade for a bit, and by for a bit I mean until 3 AM.

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