Friday 6 August 2021

Chapter 218

I woke up even more stupid late than yesterday, in the PM hours, for the first time in ages. I wasn’t hungover, but I was stiff and sore from the calisthenics workout, so I drank a lot of water and tea and stretched a bit.

It was a lazy day, I didn’t go outside during daylight hours except to walk the dog a bit and buy food at a neighborhood store. It was damn hot, the kind of heat that makes you wonder if humans are even meant to dwell in such conditions. Not hairy white-skinned humans, at least.

So I watched history documentaries and videos about the upcoming UFC event this weekend. It’s headlined with an interim heavyweight championship, which is a bit meaningless since the undisputed champ won his belt in March. I hope Ciryl Gane takes it, not just because he’s French and a nice guy, but also because I’m intrigued by the idea of his athletic, movement-based style stacking up against the destroyer of worlds that is Francis Ngannou, I’d rather have that than a rematch against Lewis. But Derrick Lewis is also one hell of a cool fighter, and hopefully if he and the Cameroonian lock horns again, this time it won’t be the literal most boring fight ever.

I also started reading a book called Time Crumbling Like A Wet Cracker, written by an American guy I was working with on my first China posting in 2008. It’s about a mad scientist who developed a time travel machine to go kill bad people before they do their bad deeds, but it ends up unraveling the fabric of time. Pretty fun novel thus far.

At around 18:30 I went to play badminton. It’s in a new venue, and I rode the 2 km there with a beautiful sunset to the west. I played for an hour and a half with randos, and it was great. Badminton is life.

The girlfriend made thick savoury pancakes with ground meat and beans embedded inside, it really hit the spot. We watched the new Rick And Morty and then read a bit before going to bed.

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