Wednesday 8 December 2021

Chapter 342

Another day. I was running a bit late to school and walked in the twelfth grade classroom just as the bell was ringing, so I didn’t have time to review my notes and felt like my performance was subpar. Can’t win ‘em all.

I had another grade-12 class and it went OK, I guess. Then I went home to eat and hang out with the dog. I fried some chicken sausages and made fried rice with eggs with some leftover rice that’s been on the counter for three days and was getting quite hard. I read recently that leftover rice can contain bacilus cereus and make you sick, now that’s a bit harrowing, leftover rice has been a big part of my diet for years, everybody knows day-old rice is the best base to make fried rice or R. n’ S.

I had two eleventh-grade classes in the afternoon, with a long, long pause in between. I started to get a bit bored, after I finished the little tasks I had to do. I listened to half of the new Hypocrisy album, which was quite hyped, being the first offering from the Swedish melodic death metal outfit in years. I found it very boring and exactly the same as all of their latest albums. Then I looked at Clown World news, an old story reemerged, about the American actor Jussie Smollett (allegedly) faking a hate crime. He said he got assaulted by Trump supporters in Chicago who called him a “faggot nigger”, but there were holes in his story and it turned out he (allegedly) paid two Nigerian guys to beat him up. What a weird hoax, if it indeed happened in that (alleged) way. Now he’s in court, accused of falsifying a hate crime or whatever. When it happened a few months ago, I remember hearing a commentator say “When victomhood is such a valuable currency, no wonder there are counterfeiters” and that’s brilliant.

I went home, and soon after headed to the gym. A British pal of mine came to try out BJJ, and though the Italian blue belt taught him fundamental moves, he was also thrown in the deep end and tried out some more advanced stuff. Then we all sparred, he is quite strong but not used to the energy expenditure and conservation so he blew his wad quickly like beginners are prone to do (I consider myself to still be among their ranks, to be clear). A good time was had by all, he said he liked it all, except having the blade of a hand crush his trachea during side control escape drills.

I went home, took the dog out, went to buy some rice, and ate a R. n’ S.  dinner with the Sichuan food the girlfriend had ordered. While my laundry was spinning, I watched half a documentary called The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia, about an extended family of hillbillies living lives of petty crime, drug consumption and idleness. West Virginia is one of those states you never hear anything good about, it’s got third-world levels of dilapidation and poverty. I crashed hard after 45 minutes I’ll finish it tomorrow or Friday.

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