Friday 13 August 2021

Chapter 225

I had a strange dream: I was sitting in the office of an English teaching mill, surrounded by gossiping, sneering coworkers. I was new there, and when I’d ask a question, they’d be crabby and unhelpful. The photocopy machine didn’t work, or rather it was an old piece-of-shit model that made barely legible copies at an extremely slow speed. I tried to fix it, but ended up making it worst. Then, Joe Biden himself shuffled into the office and summoned me to the photocopier. In his senile, muffled drawl, he condescendingly pointed at the faulty pieces and showed me how to put them back together, but it still didn’t work. Throughout the whole ordeal, there were no classes, the classrooms were empty and there were only vague rumors about when the students would arrive. One of the rumors emanating from the gossip machine was that the students were pretty bad and disruptive.

So yeah, I guess it was a big mish-mash of things I’ve seen and read and thought about recently, put together in a semi-coherent narrative by my bored subconscious mind. Then I woke up around 11, and spent another glorious day doing very little. I cooked fried rice and dropped some torn clothes to be sewn at one of those small dry cleaning and mending shops in the ghetto part of town. It was only a five-minute bicycle ride but it counts as an errand anyway.

I watched several YouTube videos about clown world news. It was depressing but also entertaining in a Schadenfreude way. Some people made a big deal about Obama celebrating his birthday in a lavish party where none of the jet-set cunts attending wore fayssah mursks. I say good for him, fayssah mursks are retarded. Yeah, maybe there’s some hypocrisy at play, but what should we expect? And then there’s the whole thing about vaccines, there’s still a small segment of the population who categorically refuses to get the shot for various reasons, and now the propaganda outlets are working double time to incentivise them to get it, by all means necessary. There’s coercion, bribing, fear, and one campaign that amuses me quite a bit, in which some extremely gay young TikTokers make videos with the airheaded White House press secretary and interview Dr. Fauci on their shitty platforms normally used for junktertainment for primary school kids, with the goal of making the vaccine look “hip” and “cool”. So the last bastions of unvaccinated, the urban blacks, the rural whites, and the Latinos, are going to be convinced by that? Fat fucken chance.

The West is falling to smithereens under our eyes, there’s no question about it. That said, when I’m actually there, I mostly see normal shit, normal people doing normal things, and men and women, whites and ethnic minorities getting along just fine, and all the ethnomasochism and destructive commie currents are barely an afterthought, encountered only on the rare and unpleasant occasions when I interact with an overweight person with unnatural hair color and facial piercings born close to the year 2000. Same thing with my life in China, which is (as the daily autistically obsessive chronicling done on this very blog shows) pretty damn far from the dystopian vision that a lot of foreign media outlets depict.

I spent most of my day doing stuff on my computer, like upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and moving my stash of cryptocurrency from one platform to another. Whoopdeedoo.

I briefly, very briefly considered going to the pub, as it was Friday night. Staying in with the girlfriend and watching cartoons, hip-hop documentaries and wrestling matches was a much more judicious use of my time.

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